As a little-little girl, I wasn’t much of a reader. For a shy, tiny introvert, I think that was surprising to most. And to my mom, it was definite cause for concern. She knew how important it was for children to read and develop a love for books, so she worked hard to help me find ways to enjoy reading.

I still remember standing in a bookstore when she took me to the Historical Fiction section. She pulled out a book about Mary Tudor, daughter of King Henry VIII, and she read me the prologue. I grabbed the book from her hands and started reading it right there in the store. By the time I graduated high school, I had read that very book eight times!

That was the day that everything changed for me. A whole new world was at my fingertips. And I fell madly in love with the written word. I adore historical fiction still, but I really enjoy reading all sorts of literature.

Long story short (the only time you’ll ever get that from me!), God has taken me and my family on a whirlwind rollercoaster over the last 18 months. And now, as my husband lands in full-time vocational ministry, and I land at home, raising our babies and being a homemaker, I am moonlighting as a writer. God has made it abundantly clear to me, as I immerse myself in our home and I pursue my husband’s ministry alongside him, that the specific ministry He has for me in this season is to share my heart using the words I have so desperately learned to love over the last two decades.

Right now, as I get started, as a mom of a 2.5 year old and a 10 month old, much of my writing takes place between the hours of 11 pm and 5 am. Whether I’m up nursing or patting backs or just checking and kissing foreheads, the moonlight is my companion as I pour out my heart.


If you’re here, you likely know me, my story, and my family’s story. You know that I yearn to be candid, open, raw, honest, and ultimately glorifying to God. I hope that on this page you will find encouragement, truth, hope, humor, friendship, and love. I hope this will be a place you can come that will lead you closer to our Savior. That will help you in your journey toward finding the abundant life he has planned for you. And I hope you will feel connected and that you are not alone.

Many of my early readers are personal friends. But as this page grows, and I reach those of you I haven’t met before – I hope you will reach out and connect. I would love to hear your story and personally interact with you and encourage you!

In Christ,
Abigail Baggs

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